Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
300MFDR4 70th Festival de Cannes 2017 - Festival Strategies Case Study
English, Czech Z 1 5S Subject is not scheduled
311MADM AD's @ motion picture scheduling training course English see detail Z 2 3/D
311MADA Advanced Directing Actors - Jerry Coyle´ workshop English see detail Z 3 3/D
373MAS Albert Sackl with Henry Hills English see detail Z 1 10S
308MAI Artificial intelligence for art and music English 11:00–18:00
Room No. TR-336
Z 1
311MCA Casting Actors with Tom Logan
English Z 1 3/D Subject is not scheduled
311MCDMP Cinema and Digital Media Program Pitching Forum English 13:00–16:00
Room No. 3
Z 1 3S
302MCD Cinergy Master-class with Claire Denis
English Z 1 2/D Subject is not scheduled
300MMDH Cinergy Master-class with Duane Hopkins
English Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
300MMYC Cinergy Masterclass with Yves Cape
English Z 1 2/D Subject is not scheduled
300MGS Cinergy: Masterclass with Gotz Spielmann
English Z 1 2/D Subject is not scheduled
311MCN Comic narratives and writing film comedy
English Z 1 6/D Subject is not scheduled
373MCCWP Creative Coding with Python English Z 2 45S
373MCCWP Creative Coding with Python English Z 2 45S
311MCDT Creative Documentary Today
English Z 3 4/D Subject is not scheduled
373MCCWP2 Creative coding with Python 2 English see detail Z 2 3/D
373MCCWP2 Creative coding with Python 2 English see detail Z 2 3/D
307MKDDC Demenico de Chirico, Lecture + porfolio review
English, Czech Z 2 4S Subject is not scheduled
311MDAC Directing Actors - Jerry Coyle´ workshop English Z 3 3/D Z 3 3/D
306MDRW Documentary rough-cut workshop dok.incubator English Z 2 2/D
305MFI Febio Industry English, Czech Z 2 18S
311MGCS Graduate project Case Studies
English Z 1 2/D Subject is not scheduled
300MRS Hand and Machine
English Z 2 1/D Subject is not scheduled
302MHHH Hou Hsiao-hsien Round table discussion
English Z 1 1/D Subject is not scheduled
373MJL Johann Lurf: Masterclass English Z 1 2/D
304EMMAF Masterclass - Alois Fišárek English see detail Z 1 4S
311MJSMC Masterclass with John Stevenson English, Czech 10:00–13:00
Room No. 1
Z 1 4S
302MRNV Meeting the Romanian New Wave
English, Czech Z 1 4/H Subject is not scheduled
300MMC Moving Camera
English Z 4 Subject is not scheduled
311MGB Moving Camera Seminar with Gil Bettman English Z 2 30H
300MPK Peter Kubelka in Prague - Metaphoric and Metric Films
English Z 1 2/D Subject is not scheduled
300MPC Portfolio consultation English, Czech see detail Z 2 10S
311MPWM1 Postproduction Workflow Module I (digital) English Z 1 1D
307MPSP PrePress for Scanning and Printing + Profiling
Czech Z 1 1/D Subject is not scheduled
373MPAD Procedural audio design for soundtracks and immersive audio English see detail
373MQOV Queers on The Verge English
307MRMO Reframing Media: Objects, Sites, Histories
English, Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
307MMKR Reportage
English, Czech Z 1 6S Subject is not scheduled
307MERM Research methods
English Z 1 3S Subject is not scheduled
311MSB Storyboarding for beginners
English Z 2 2/D Subject is not scheduled
307MSAP Strategy of authorial presentation - part 1
English, Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
English Z 1 3/H Subject is not scheduled
300MSI The Sparks of Imagination: From the Filmmaker to the Spectator
English Z 1 2/H Subject is not scheduled
300MUTN The handiest effect tools
English Z 1 3/H Subject is not scheduled
307MUVA Urban development and architecture of Hradec Králové
Czech Z 2 2/D Subject is not scheduled
300MWRNC Whale Rider-Niky Caro
English Z 1 3/H Subject is not scheduled
373MLVL Workshop Laurent Van Lancker: cinema, anthropology English Z 1 6S
300MPDP1 ČT/FAMU Pilot Development Program with Harold Apter 1
English, Czech Z 2 80S Subject is not scheduled
300MPDP2 ČT/FAMU Pilot Development Program with Harold Apter 2
English, Czech Z 3 80S Subject is not scheduled