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Study plan Cinematography - Bachelor - 1920 - 1year – 3rd year

Study of qualification: Cinematography
Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Required subjects
Assistant Practice
304AP3 Z 1 20S
Colour Cinematography
304BK1 Z 1 2T 304BK2 Z 1 2T
Leonardo da Vinci and Cinematography
304DVK3 Z 1 8S
Forms of Dramatic Television
304DTVF Z 1 24S
The Camera Eye
304KO Z 1 3T
The Camera in Documentary Film 304KDF3 Z 1 8S 304KDF4 Z 1 8S
C 304KOPRO1 Z 2 3T 304KOPRO2 Z 2 3T
Colour Correction
304KBAK2 Z 1 2T
Final Exam in Film and TV Technology
304ZTT ZK 3
Camera Work Seminar
304SK5 Z 1 2T 304SK6 Z 1 2T
Seminar of Common Exercises 304SSC3 Z 1 1T 304SSC4 Z 1 1T
The Light-tone Conception of a Feature-film
304SKHF Z 1 2T
TV Image Recording and Reproduction 304TSR2 ZK 2 2T
Special Effects in Film and TV 304VEF2 ZK 2 2T
Means of Expression in Documentary Film 303VPD1 Z 1 2ST 303VPD2 ZK 2 2ST
Portrait - Chronicles 304PORL Z 2 40CS
Dreams 304SEN ZK 2
Joint Assignment, Second- and Third-Year Bachelor
304SCB2 Z 6
Light Tonality
304SVT Z 2
Computational Exam 304TCHP Z 1 10CS
The History of Czech Cinema 373DCEK1 ZK 3 3PT + 3ST 373DCEK2 ZK 3 3PT + 3ST
Minimal number of credits per semester 15 32
Povinné předměty s možností opakovaného zapsání
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Compulsory optional subjects
History of Culture 1920_4k In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
Spectrum of Audiovision 1920_4K In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FAMU - OBLIGATORY CHOICE_1920 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 1 credit
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Optional subjects
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 15 32
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 15 -2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30