Simplified study plan Drama in Education - full-time 3 years (B. A.)

Department of Drama in Education

Study of qualification: Drama in Education
Study programme: Dramatic Arts

Study type: Bachelor's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
207ZDP1 Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 ZK 2
205YKTL1 Chapters from Theory of Literature 1 Z 1
205YPDA1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 1 Z 3
205YUSD1 Introduction to Drama in Education 1 Z 2
205YPML1 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 1 Z 1
205YPVT1 Movement within Methodology 1 Z 2
205YHTV1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1 Z 2
205YPXA1 Practice I. 1 Z 1
205YHPH1 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 1 Z 1
205YPDV1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1 Z 2
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 ZK 3
205YDRA1 Theatre Project I. 1 ZK 3
205YHVT1 Voice within Methodology 1 Z 2
Required courses credits 25
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Foreign Languages z 1

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
207ZDP2 Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 ZK 2
205YKTL2 Chapters from Theory of Literature 2 ZK 2
205YPDA2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 2 Z 3
205YROK1 Essay 1 ZK 2
205YPML2 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 2 Z 1
205YPVT2 Movement within Methodology 2 Z 2
205YHTV2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2 ZK 3
205YPXA2 Practice I. 2 Z 1
205YHPH2 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 2 ZK 3
205YPDV2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2 Z 2
207DZA2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 ZK 3
205YDRA2 Theatre Project I. 2 ZK 3
205YHVT2 Voice within Methodology 2 Z 2
Required courses credits 29
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Foreign Languages zk 2


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 6
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205YHRY1 Acting 1 Z 1
205YLDM1 Children's Literature 1 Z 1
205YDDY1 Didactics of Drama in Education 1 Z 1
205YPDA3 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 3 ZK 4
205YDIS1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1 Z 1
205YZDT1 Introduction to Dramaturgy 1 Z 1
205YPVT3 Movement within Methodology 3 Z 1
205YPED1 Pedagogy 1 Z 1
205YPXB1 Practice II. 1 Z 1
205YHPH3 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 3 ZK 2
205YPDV3 Psychology and Drama in Education 3 ZK 2
205YPVU1 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 1 Z 1
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 ZK 3
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 ZK 3
205YDRA3 Theatre Project I. 3 ZK 3
205YHVT3 Voice within Methodology 3 Z 1
Required courses credits 27
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Foreign Languages z 1

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205YHRY2 Acting 2 Z 1
205YLDM2 Children's Literature 2 ZK 2
205YDDY2 Didactics of Drama in Education 2 Z 1
205YPDB1 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1 Z 2
205YDIS2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2 Z 1
205YZDT2 Introduction to Dramaturgy 2 ZK 2
205YMDM1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1 Z 2
205YPVT4 Movement within Methodology 4 Z 1
205YPED2 Pedagogy 2 Z 1
205YPXB2 Practice II. 2 Z 1
205YPRE1 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 1 Z 1
205YPME1 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 1 Z 1
205YPVU2 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 2 Z 1
205YSCH1 Stage Music 1 Z 1
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 ZK 3
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 ZK 3
205YDRA4 Theatre Project I. 4 ZK 3
205YHVT4 Voice within Methodology 4 Z 1
Required courses credits 28
Optional subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
Select from the group Foreign Languages zk 2


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 5
Total number of credits per grade 60

3rd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
205YHRY3 Acting 3 Z 1
205YDDY3 Didactics of Drama in Education 3 Z 2
205YPDB2 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 2 ZK 3
205YZDT3 Introduction to Dramaturgy 3 ZK 3
205YMDM2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2 Z 2
205YPVT5 Movement within Methodology 5 Z 1
205YPED3 Pedagogy 3 ZK 2
205YHPL1 Playing with Object and Puppet 1 Z 1
205YPXB3 Practice II. 3 Z 1
205YPXC1 Practice III. 1 Z 2
205YPRE2 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 2 Z 2
205YPME2 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 2 Z 1
205YSCH2 Stage Music 2 Z 1
205YDRA5 Theatre Project I. 5 ZK 3
205YHVT5 Voice within Methodology 5 Z 1
Required courses credits 26

Summer semester


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 2
Total number of credits per grade 60