Optional subjects DAMU

Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule Completion Credits Range Semester
204ALJP2 Acting in the presence 2 Czech Z 1 2CT summer
206KCE Cultural policy in Czech Rep. and EU Czech ZK 5 2T winter
204DJF1 Dramaturgy as a Function 1 Czech Z 1 2ST summer
201VTZ1 Evolutional Tendencies of Occidental Theatre within Modern Culture. Czech Z 2 3T winter
201VVZ1 Evolutional Tendencies of Occidental Theatre within Modern Culture. Czech Z 2 3T winter
204DES1 History of Stage Design 1 Czech Z 1 2ST winter
204DES2 History of Stage Design 2 Czech ZK 1 2ST summer
201HKR1 History, Theory and Practice of Czech Theatre Criticism 1 Czech Z 2 2T winter
201HKR2 History, Theory and Practice of Czech Theatre Criticism 2 Czech ZK 2 2T summer
204ELD1 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 1 Czech Z 1 2PT winter
204ELD2 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 2 Czech ZK 1 2PT summer
203UFE1 Introduction to Film Stage Design 1 Czech Z 2 24PS winter
203UFEA1 Introduction to Film Stage Design 1 English Z 2 24S winter
204HAK1 Music Activity (Chorus, Orchestra) 1 English, Czech Z 1 2T winter
204HAK2 Music Activity (Chorus, Orchestra) 2 English, Czech Z 1 2T summer
204KRI1 Seminar of Criticism 1 Czech Z 1 2T winter
204KRI2 Seminar of Criticism 2 Czech ZK 1 2T summer
204KRI3 Seminar of Criticism 3 Czech Z 1 2T winter
204KRI4 Seminar of Criticism 4 Czech ZK 1 2T summer
202DAS1 Seminar of Theatre Anthropology 1 English, Czech ZK 3 3T summer
202DPI1 Song Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 2 2T winter
202DPI2 Song Dramaturgy 2 Czech Z 2 2T summer
204LDS1 Specifics of the Puppet Theatre 1 Czech Z 1 2T summer
201JMK3 Stage Speech - Group 3 Czech Z 1 1T winter
201JMK4 Stage Speech - Group 4 Czech Z 1 1T summer
201JMK5 Stage Speech - Group 5 Czech Z 1 1T winter
201JMK6 Stage Speech - Group 6 Czech Z 1 1T summer
201DVC1 The History of Czech Theatre 1 Czech ZK 2 2T winter
201DVC2 The History of Czech Theatre 2 Czech ZK 2 2T summer
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 Czech ZK 3 2PT winter
207DZA2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 Czech ZK 3 2PT summer
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 Czech ZK 3 2T winter
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 Czech ZK 3 2T summer
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 Czech ZK 3 2T winter
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 Czech ZK 3 2T summer
207PUT0 Translation of Artistic Text Czech ZK 2 2ST winter
201DVS1 Western Theatre History 1 Czech ZK 2 2T winter
201DVS2 Western Theatre History 2 Czech ZK 2 2T summer