Master class with Luis Ferrón Ferri - iniciativy pro nezávislou filmovou produkci ve Španělsku

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
305MLF zápočet 1 4 hodiny SEMINÁŘŮ za celý semestr (45 minut), 22 až 27 hodin domácí příprava anglicky zimní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


The master class of Spanish producer Luis Ferrón Ferri will introduce the possibility of Spanish independent cinema nowadays. In recent years, Spanish independent cinema has gained strength in the international market, especially at major international film festivals. In 2015 Ikusmira Berriak, a residency program linked to the San Sebastián Film Festival, was born. Also, another Spanish film festival – Márgenes Festival opened an industry platform Márgenes/Work. In 2016 the Spanish Government changed the film industry grant model, giving rise to the current selective project grants. The same year Abycine Lanza, the development and financing forum, was founded.

Luis Ferrón Ferri will introduce the stage of Spanish independent cinema, the possibility of developing and financing the project on Spain. As an experienced producer, he will introduce the activity linked with ABYCINE LANZA forum which is an important event for Spanish cinema and co-production possibilities.

The master class is designed for students with the ambition to reach the Spanish co-production, gain the knowledge of Spanish film industry background.

Producer Luis Ferrón Ferri offers one2one meetings for 6-8 selected projects. In case of interest please send to the guarantor of the module, Jitka Kotrlová, following materials:

-Name, surname, department

-Title of your project/film and length

-Synopsis (in English, max 1000 characters)

-Short description of the project – the stage you are in, what are you looking for (max 1000 characters)

-Visual material (if available)

DEADLINE: November 28th, 2023


One2one meetings will be 20 minutes long. Please prepare your presentation of the project as a short pitch. The selection will be announced December 1st with the schedule of the meetings.

Luis Ferrón Ferri is a Spanish film producer with a great interest in the creative development and production of audiovisual projects. He has an advance knowledge of cutting-edge audiovisual technology, digital cinema production, and postproduction. He has an experience of developing film industry program. His films had been premiered at important international film festivals as IFF Rotterdam, Locarno or Berlinale. The documentary film The Year of the discovery won Spanish Academy Goya Award for Best Documentary Feature.

Luis Ferrón is a producer of :

El Futuro (2013, feature film, dir.: Luis López Carrasco) that premiered at Locarno,

Sueñan los Androides (Androids Dream, 2014, fiction feature, dir.: Ion de Sosa) premiered at Berlinale,

Los Mutantes (2016, feature documentary, dir.: Gabriel Azorín),

El año del descubrimiento (The year of the discovery, feature documentary, dir.: Luis López Carrasco),

El cerro de los Dioses (Gods Hill, 2019, fiction feature, dir. : Daniel Caneiro),

UMMO (2022, documentary series, dir.: Pousa&Olivera),

Elena dio a luz un hermoso niño (Elena Gave Birth to a Beautiful Child (2023, feature documentary, in post-production, dir.: Chiara Marañón and Juan Soto),

Tardes de soledad (Afternoon of Solitude, 2024, in post-production, dir.: Albert Serra).

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Credit is awarded based on 100% attendance.



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